Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Sorority Girl's Wardrobe Essentials

Hey everyone! Today I decided to make a post on what I believe to be essentials for every sorority girl's wardrobe. Obviously every girl and every sorority is different, so take this with a grain of salt! I am in no way telling you that you have to go out and buy every single one of these items once you join a sorority. These are just items that I think you should consider having if you're a sister! Enjoy :)


1. Letters: This is an obvious item, but every sorority girl needs a few t-shirts or sweatshirts with your letters on them! This is a privilege to be able to wear them once you're initiated. You don't necessarily have to buy them yourself either - you'll most likely get a ton of letters handed down from your family tree and at senior send-off at the end of the year! I've only been a member of my sorority for one semester, and I already have at least ten letter shirts that were handed down to me, and that doesn't even include other t-shirts!

2. A few nice pairs of jeans: I definitely recommend having at least two to four nice pairs of jeans in your wardrobe. Depending on your sorority, you might be required to wear jeans anytime you are wearing letters, and you're going to wear letters a lot! Even if you don't have to do that, jeans are a staple wardrobe item for any college girl.

3. A few dresses: There's going to be more than one occasion where you're required to wear a dress. The two dresses that I most recommend would be one white dress and one black dress. I don't know of a sorority that doesn't require a white dress for initiation, and some sororities have the newer girls wear white, while the current sisters wear black. In addition, I also suggest having a few other dresses just for chapter meetings, formals, date parties - really anything! You don't have to buy a new dress for every occasion, but it's nice to have a few different options.

4. Leggings & yoga pants: Do I need to say more? Every college girl needs leggings and yoga pants. Unless you're a girl that likes to get dressed up for every class, (I am not one of those girls), then you will definitely want these! You can dress them up with a nice top and flats, or just wear them with a t-shirt, sneakers, and baseball cap. They're essential!

5. Norts: In case you don't know what norts are, they're Nike shorts! They don't necessarily have to be Nike brand, but these are great for going to class, lounging around and hanging out with friends, and of course going to the gym!


1. Necklaces: I literally never wear jewelry, I have no idea why, but it's a good idea to at least have one or two statement necklaces. You never know when you'll need them for a recruitment event, and they're a great way to dress up an outfit!

2. Scarves: Since I don't normally wear necklaces, I have a ton of scarves and I wear them all the time! Once again, you never know when you're going to need one for a recruitment event, so it's a good idea to have at least one. 

3. Earrings: If you don't have your ears pierced, then you definitely don't need to go out and get them pierced just to have some cute earrings. But if they are pierced, then having a few pairs of cute earrings is a great idea. They're another great way to add some style to an outfit!

4. Tote bag: A tote bag will come in handy for a lot of different things! You can use it to carry your things to class, carry your clothing and accessories to the gym, pack it to stay overnight at a sister's apartment, and so much more. I really do think it's essential, even if you prefer to use a backpack for class. 

5. Baseball caps: These are perfect for bad hair days and lazy days. So many sorority girls wear them around campus, so don't worry about looking weird. I think they look really cute, and I love wearing one to hide my hair when it's look weird!


1. Ballet Flats: For formal events where you'll be walking around a lot, like recruitment. 

2. Heels: For formal events that you want to be more dressed up and you don't have to do a ton of walking, like formal, semi-formal, date parties, and mixers. 
3. Sneakers: For class, the gym, philanthropy events, Greek Week, etc. 
4. Uggs or riding boots: For pretty much anything in the Fall/Winter months - recruitment, classes, going out to do things, and mixers!

Random Items

1. Business casual clothing: These are pretty much essential for things like preference rounds, chapter meetings, and even internships/public speaking classes! 

2. Random things for mixers: You would be surprised how often things like tutu's and camouflage shirts can come in handy for mixers. Mixers always have all different kinds of themes, so having some random things in your wardrobe will definitely come in handy!

I really hope you enjoyed this post and that it helped some of you out! Feel free to comment with any questions, comments or requests. You can also e-mail me at PAsororitygirl@gmail.com, or tweet me and follow me! xoxo :)

Twitter: @PAsororitygirl

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these pictures, I got them all from Google.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dorm Room Bathroom Tips

Hey everyone!!

Today I'm going to be talking about dorm room bathrooms, and giving some tips on how to deal with them. I've never had to deal with a community bathroom personally, but a few of my sorority sisters lived in the traditional dorm rooms, so I've definitely heard stories! I'll be giving a few tips on community bathrooms, as well as tips and tricks for your own bathroom if you're living in a suite or apartment. Enjoy!

Tip #1 (community bathrooms): 
Wear some form of shower shoes any time you go to the bathroom, even inside the shower. You can just buy a pair of $2.50 flip-flops from Old Navy and keep them in your dorm to take to the bathroom with you. You never know what types of bacteria and viruses are around those showers and bathroom stalls, especially if you live in a very old dorm hall. You could catch meningitis, planter warts from HPV, athlete's foot, and even staph and strep infections if you walk around the bathroom in bare feet! So do yourself a favor and always wear shoes.

Tip #2 (community bathrooms): 
Try not to touch very many things in the bathroom. Avoid touching the walls of the shower and bathroom stalls. Once again, you have no idea what types of bacteria and viruses are floating around. And as obvious as this may sound, always wash your hands before you leave!

Tip #3 (any bathroom): 
Be careful when shaving! In community bathrooms, there may be poor lighting so it can be hard to see, and you could very easily cut yourself. If you live in a suite and have your own bathroom, the shower is usually very small, so it's also very easy to cut yourself. Just be careful and take your time!

Tip #4 (any bathroom): 
Buy some cute washcloths and towels! Pick your favorite colors - it will make your room look nice since you probably won't have much storage to keep them out of sight. 

Tip #5 (any bathroom): 
Whether you're in a community bathroom or have your own bathroom, a shower caddy is pretty much essential. For community bathrooms, a portable shower caddy like the one pictured below makes carrying your things to and from the bathroom so much easier. They're easy to just put right on the shower floor as well, so you don't have to keep your shampoos and soaps on the bacteria-filled floors! If you have your own bathroom, you can buy a shower caddy that hangs right on your shower head or faucet. It's a great way to store your things!

Tip #6 (your own bathroom): 
Buy a cute shower curtain and rugs that you really like! It's an easy way to give your bathroom a couple pops of color.

I hope this helped some of you out, and feel free to comment below with any questions or requests. You can also e-mail me at pasororitygirl@gmail.com, or follow me on Twitter. I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible! 

Twitter: @PAsororitygirl

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these picture, I got them from Google.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tips: Dorm Room Bed

Hey, everyone!

I have decided to do a few blog posts for tips on specific parts of a dorm room. This one is going to be all about a dorm room bed - different ways to decorate it, and some things you might want to consider purchasing for it. Hope you enjoy!

  • Try to coordinate with your roommate
    • For example, for freshman year, my roommate centered all of her things around a purple and zebra theme, and I centered everything around a pink and zebra theme. That way, we both had that zebra accent that tied our room together, but we each had a different color that made the room our own. You can either do something like that, or even get the exact same bedding as each other! It's completely up to you, but coordinating in some way really makes the room look complete.

  • Do some DIY - make a temporary headboard out of cardboard and fabric
    • If you Google something like "DIY headboard cardboard," a bunch of Pinterest posts and websites will come up that will show you exactly how to do this. It's a fun and affordable way to add a cute touch to your dorm room that will make it feel like home! This also won't do anything to mess up your walls. 

  • Throw pillows
    • A couple throw pillows will just add a fun decoration to your bed! It will make it look more full. You can even add a bunch of them to fill up your bed if you would like! You can get them in all sorts of different colors to match your color scheme. I really recommend checking out Ross, T.J. Maxx, Marshall's, or Home Goods. They have some really affordable throw pillows, and they usually sell them in sets of two!

  • Mattress pad, mattress topper, and bed bug protector
    • Make sure you at least get the mattress pad and mattress topper! I didn't feel a need to buy a bed bug protector because I had the mattress pad, plus I was in a brand new suite that had just been built the semester before I got there. If you would like to get a bed bug protector just to be safe though, go for it! I also really recommend a mattress topper. Dorm room mattresses are not comfortable to sleep on by themselves, even if you are in a new suite. It doesn't have to be anything expensive either - I got one at Bed Bath & Beyond for $20, and it worked perfectly. So comfortable!

  • Buy some good pillows
    • If you only splurge on one bedding item, I would definitely recommend purchasing some great pillows. I wouldn't recommend getting the cheapest ones that you can find. They may seem nice when you first buy them, but I promise you that they will completely flatten out within a couple weeks, and you will feel like you aren't even sleeping with a pillow at all. Target has some really nice pillows that aren't expensive, but also aren't the cheapest things in the world! They are very nice quality.

  • Nice sheets - be careful with cheap ones!
    • There's nothing wrong with buying some inexpensive sheets, but definitely be careful with the cheap quality ones. I bought the cheapest ones that I could find at Wal-Mart for my freshman year. They were black, and at the end of the year I realized that they left a huge black mark on my walls, even though I washed them before I put them on the bed. It wouldn't come off the wall, so I ended up having to pay that as a damage. (Also make sure you're careful with your dorm room, they will charge you for the smallest things at the end of the year!) Just be careful with your sheets! I plan on getting some nicer ones at Bed Bath & Beyond this year. 

  • Body Pillow
    • My body pillow was my best friend in my dorm room! I absolutely loved that thing. I definitely recommend getting one - I bought a memory foam one from Wal-Mart for about 20 bucks, and it was SO comfortable to sleep with. You can also buy colorful and fun body pillow covers to match your bedding!

  • Lift your bed for extra storage
    • If your bed is adjustable, lifting it as high as it can go is a great way to get some extra storage! You will be able to store shoes, clear drawers with clothes or food, and a hamper under there. You're going to want every little bit of storage you can get! Some colleges even offer to loft your bed, so you could put your desk and/or dresser under there and get some more space out on the floor!

  • Fun comforter/duvet
    • I mentioned this in my Top Ten Dorm Room Essentials post, but I'm just going to say it again here because I think it's very important! Your bed the focal point of your entire room, and it will set the tone for it. You want a comforter that you will like to see every day!

  • At least one blanket
    • I recommend keeping at least one blanket on your bed or somewhere in your room, even if it's super hot in there. You never know when there could be a cold night, or if you'll get sick and feel unnaturally cold! It also will add a touch of color or decoration to your bed. 

Thanks for reading this, and I really hope it helped some of you out! I plan on making a couple more blog posts on bathroom and closet tips, but if you have any other requests for something specific in the dorm room, feel free to comment or e-mail me at pasororitygirl@gmail.com! Thank you again, and happy dorm room shopping :) xoxo

Twitter: @PAsororitygirl

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these pictures, I got them all from Google. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Top Ten Dorm Room Essentials

Hey everyone! I'm about to be a sophomore in college in about a month, so last year I had my first experience of living in a dorm room. It was a suite-style room that I shared with three other girls - two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchenette. I obviously had a very "luxurious" dorm room experience, but I decided to make a list of the ten things that I believe are essential for every student living in a dorm room! There are obviously some more things that you would need, but I consider these ten things to be necessary. Enjoy!

1. Mini-Fridge: Every college student needs a mini-fridge in their dorm room. Where else would you keep your alcohol? I'm completely kidding, but a mini-fridge really is a HUGE help. My freshman year I always kept it stocked with milk, a couple frozen dinners, ice, and a few snack items. It really comes in handy for those late night cravings, or for when there's a blizzard outside and you don't feel like walking across campus for a meal!

2. Keurig - Any coffee machine would definitely be a necessity, but I think that a Keurig is the best option. Rather than making 12 cups of coffee that will go to waste, you can make a single cup of coffee for yourself in just a couple of minutes to bring to class with you and wake yourself up for those dreaded 8 A.M. classes. They aren't just for coffee lovers, either! You can make a cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, iced tea, or anything else. You can make just about any drink in a Keurig! Although they're on the more expensive side, they are definitely worth it.
3. Cute Bedding - Obviously, bedding in general is an essential to have in your dorm room, unless you want to sleep on a rock hard mattress with no blankets or pillows. However, having cute bedding that is personalized to your style really makes the entire room! It sets the tone for your dorm room, and really is the focal point of a dorm room. So I definitely suggest getting the cutest bedding you can find that you really love, and it doesn't have to be expensive at all! Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, and even Wal-Mart have some really cute and affordable bedding sets for dorm rooms. 
4. Full Length Mirror - Whether you have your own bathroom, or share a community bathroom with the rest of your floor, I still suggest keeping a full length mirror either on the back of your door or just propped up against the wall. Even though I had a bathroom in my suite to share with my roommate that a had a large mirror above the sinks, I still kept a full length mirror in the bedroom. It's always a great thing to make sure your outfit looks okay!
5. TV or Laptop With Netflix - I don't know how I would have gotten through college without my TV or Netflix. It's a great way to end the day and unwind. It was nice to have a TV to turn the news on in the morning while I was getting ready to keep myself informed on what's going on in the world around me. I also loved just getting in bed at the end of a busy day and opening up Netflix to turn on One Tree Hill. It's a nice break from everything that's going on!
6. Rain Boots, Rain Jacket, & Umbrella - You'll be thanking me the first time that's it pouring down rain when you have to get all the way across campus for a class! If you live in an area where it rains fairly often, you're definitely going to want these things - and they don't have to be expensive either. My rain boots were the clothing item that I always got the most compliments on from everyone including strangers, and I got them for only $5! They are great investments to have for college. It's always good to be prepared!
7. Wall Decorations - This obviously is not a necessity, but I wouldn't want to live in my dorm room without some decorations on my walls! Even if it's just a couple of posters that you like, wall decorations will really brighten up your room. It will also make the room feel more like your own, and you'll feel more at home. 
8. Pictures of Friends & Family From Home - This goes along with the wall decorations. They obviously aren't essential, but it helps a ton with homesickness! There are also a bunch of cute ideas on Pinterest for ways to hang up your pictures in your dorm room. 
9. Flip-Flops - Whether you're living in a suite or a traditional dorm room, I recommend always having a pair of flip-flops in your room, even in the dead middle of winter. If you're in a traditional dorm room, you're definitely going to want them for the bathroom/showers - you never know whose feet have been in those showers! As for myself, I always kept a pair of flip-flops with me living in the suites, because I didn't want to walk out to the trash room or laundry room in bare feet. Like I said, you never know what's been touching those floors!
10. Storage, Storage, & More Storage - Need I say more? There isn't much space in a dorm room (even if you're living in a suite), so you need all the storage you can get! My number one way to save space is to make use of the space you have under your bed. This coming year, I plan on raising my bed as high as it will go, and putting a couple of clear drawers under there, as well as my hamper. It's a great way to save space!

I really hope you all enjoyed my first blog post, and that this helped some of you! I really wish I would have been told some of these things before I started college. Feel free to comment with requests, questions, or comments. You can also e-mail me at pasororitygirl@gmail.com! Have a lovely day, and a great time dorm room shopping! xoxo

Twitter: @PAsororitygirl

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these picture, I got them all from Google.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Hey everyone!

I am about to be a sophomore in college, and I also became a sister of a sorority in the Spring semester of my freshman year. I decided to start this blog to hopefully help anyone that may be in college or about to start college. If you have any requests on posts or any questions, feel free to e-mail me at pasororitygirl@gmail.com! I'm super excited to start this, and most of my posts will probably be about college and/or sorority life. Can't wait to share my life and tips with y'all!
